Package will not import on Mathematica 13.1 with MacOS 12.6.1 (Monterey)

Issue #12 new
Philip Lynch created an issue

Importing h5mma with on newer versions of MacOS with Mathematica 13.1 causes error with the MathLink executable which causes Mathematica to abort the import function.

This bug seems to be related to the signing issues that this package has newer versions of MacOS, but the workarounds for previous versions of Mathematica no longer work with version 13.1.

Comments (2)

  1. Isabel Suárez Fernández

    Hello Philip, I had exactly the same problem trying to use Simulation Tools (which uses h5mma) and this is what worked for me.

    First git clone the latest h5mma git repo in your Mathematica Applications directory using

    git clone

    Then download hdf5 from Simulation Tools page (, untar it and copy the folder “MacOSX-x86-64” in the h5mma git repo you just cloned.

    Now add the following lines to the Makefile but setting your proper paths to hdf5 and szip. The versions that worked for me are hdf5/1.8.22 and szip/2.1 so if you do not have them you will have to install them.

    HDF5DIR  = /opt/homebrew/Cellar/hdf5@1.8

    SZIPDIR  = /opt/homebrew/Cellar/szip/szip

    EXEDIR   = MacOSX-x86-64

    This is what worked for me. I hope that helps.

  2. Barry Wardell

    I’ve just uploaded a new version 1.2.2 which includes a binary for newer Macs with an arm (e.g. M1) cpu. I’m not sure if this was causing your problems, but it would be worth trying it to see if it fixes them.

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