Import string: unsupported datatype

Issue #5 resolved
Andrew MacPhee created an issue

When I try to import a string I get: h5mma::mlink: Error from MathLink executable: Unsupported datatype.

I've attached a simplified version of the h5 and .nb to illustrate. I am able to import other data types without any problem.

(By the way, it is great to see h5mma, I had been struggling with h5 in mma since regular h5 import finally broke (at least for me) completely in v9. Now I can import most data without having to run multiple versions of mma). Andrew

Comments (11)

  1. Ian Hinder

    Yes, at the moment h5mma has only been used for numeric datatypes, and does not support the full range of HDF5 types. At the moment, it only accepts 4 and 1 byte integers, and 4 and 8 byte floats.

    I agree that adding string types would be useful, and will add it to my todo list.

  2. Andrew MacPhee reporter

    Many thanks for looking into this Ian. And thanks again for sharing ImportHDF5. Andrew

  3. Ian Hinder

    I have added the feature to read string datasets, and it seems to work for me for your example file. I have committed the change to git. Are you comfortable compiling h5mma (the dependencies are a bit annoying, especially on Ubuntu) or would you like me to send you a prebuilt executable? Which platform are you running on?

  4. Andrew MacPhee reporter

    Hi Ian, I am using Windows 7 x64. Please if you can send me a binary that would be great.

    Amazing! Thank you for doing this so quickly. Andrew

  5. Ian Hinder

    I don't have access to the Windows 7 build system; I'll ask Barry if he has time to make an executable.

  6. Barry Wardell

    I have uploaded binaries for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. The 32-bit version should go into the Windows directory inside the h5mma package and the 64-bit version should go into the Windows-x86-64 directory.

  7. Andrew MacPhee reporter

    Thank you very much Ian and Barry. That works perfectly and is a significant enhancement to my mma experience! Do you plan to get this incorporated into Mathematica? Best wishes, Andrew

  8. Barry Wardell

    This enhancement will certainly make it into the next release of h5mma. We don't have any control over what Wolfram do with Mathematica, but since h5mma is licensed under the LGPL I don't think there is anything stopping them from incorporating it into their code.

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