Mac OS binary does not work on Mac OS 10.7

Issue #7 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

Philipp Mösta reports that the currently-released h5mma Mac OS binary reports:

  Illegal instruction: 4

when run from the terminal on Mac OS 10.7.5. This is apparently due to features introduced for newer versions of the OS ( Compiling a new binary (on Mac OS 10.8.5) with -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 in CFLAGS results in a segfault when run on 10.7.5. Philipp resolved his problem by upgrading his OS to 10.9.

If we can't get a working executable, we should probably blacklist 10.7 for h5mma.

See also #6, which this issue triggers.

Comments (4)

  1. Barry Wardell

    This is possibly not such a huge issue given that Apple is pretty aggressive about upgrading OS versions and 10.9 is free. At the same time, I agree it would be nice to support older versions if possible.

    Could the segfault be coming from the fact that the static HDF5 library wasn't compiled with the --mmacosx-version-min flag? Do we have any machines with 10.7 to test on?

  2. Ian Hinder reporter

    I agree; but if it's an easy fix we should do it. Yes, I thought the same about HDF5. I don't have a 10.7 machine.

  3. Ian Hinder reporter

    Closing as 10.7 is old now; please reopen if you find someone using it and running into this problem.

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