Manually drawing a list in a ValueDrawer

Issue #103 resolved
Scott Richmond created an issue

We have a specific use-case where the struct that needs to be inspected cannot have the data we want to inspect in the type definition.

    public struct EntityHandle : IEquatable<EntityHandle>
        public int Id;
        public int Version;

        // List drawer settings make sure we can't add or remove items from the list, nor rearrange them by dragging (I presume you have your own preferred way of doing that?)
        [ShowInInspector] [ListDrawerSettings(DraggableItems = false, IsReadOnly = true, Expanded = false)]
        [BlueprintComponentWrapper] public List<object> Components;
public class EntityHandleValueDrawer : OdinValueDrawer<EntityHandle> {
    protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(IPropertyValueEntry<EntityHandle> entry, GUIContent label)
        EntityHandle value = entry.SmartValue;

            if (label != null) GUILayout.Label(label);

        var components = Engine.Instance.Context.Entities
        value.Components = components;
        entry.SmartValue = value;

        this.CallNextDrawer(entry, null);



Just temporarily I let the components list exist in the EntityHandle struct, hoping to fill it up within the drawer before drawing. However that doesn't appear to work - The list stays null.

As a longer-term solution I wanted to call the drawer behind the [BlueprintComponentWrapper] attribute to draw the list. Is it possible to call this drawer and pass in a List<object> that is stored on the EntityHandleValueDrawer as a local private property?


    public struct EntityHandle : IEquatable<EntityHandle>
        public int Id;
        public int Version;
public class EntityHandleValueDrawer : OdinValueDrawer<EntityHandle> {
private List<object> _components;

    protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(IPropertyValueEntry<EntityHandle> entry, GUIContent label)
        EntityHandle value = entry.SmartValue;

        _components = Engine.GetComponentsForEntity(value.Id);

        this.CallAttribDrawer(BlueprintComponentWrapper, _components);


Comments (6)

  1. Bjarke Elias

    Hi Scott,

    It looks like the struct is being serialized by Unity? In which case the list of components will not be serialized because it's a list of system.object's. That would explain the values disappearing. Try changing the type of the list to List<UnityEngine.Object / UnityEngine.Component> instead of List<System.Object / object>

    As a rule of thumb; ShowInInspector is only meant to show values that are not necessarily being serialized.

  2. Bjarke Elias
    • changed status to open

    If you want to have it serialize a list of system.object's you need to force Odin to serialize the struct instead of Unity.

    There are a couple of ways you can do that:


    public class MyComponent : SerializedMonoBehaviour
        public MyStruct MyStruct;
    // Not marking it [Serializable] means that Unity will not be serializing it, however Odin will.
    public struct MyStruct
         public List<System.Object> SomeList;


    public class MyComponent : SerializedMonoBehaviour
        [NonSerialized] // Force Unity not to serialize it.
        [OdinSerialize] // But tell Odin to serialize it instead.
        public MyStruct MyStruct;
    [Serializable] // Now unity will serialize it.
    public struct MyStruct
         public List<System.Object> SomeList;
  3. Tor Esa Vestergaard

    There is a fairly advanced/obscure method for drawing arbitrary data using Odin, despite it not being in the actual inspected property tree. We make use of it in a few different drawers ourselves. It involves creating a new property tree as a context value for the property in question, and then drawing that property tree in the drawer. It could be done like this:

    public class EntityHandleValueDrawer : OdinValueDrawer<EntityHandle>
        protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(IPropertyValueEntry<EntityHandle> entry, GUIContent label)
            var componentPropertyTreeContext = entry.Property.Context.Get(this, "component_tree", (PropertyTree<ComponentContainer>)null);
            if (componentPropertyTreeContext.Value == null)
                // Initialize the property tree
                var container = new ComponentContainer();
                componentPropertyTreeContext.Value = new PropertyTree<ComponentContainer>(new ComponentContainer[] { container });
            // Update components every frame
            // If you only need to update it once on initialization, just move this line into the above if statement
            (componentPropertyTreeContext.Value.WeakTargets[0] as ComponentContainer).Components = Engine.GetComponentsForEntity(entry.SmartValue.Id);
            // Draw the tree for the component container, which will draw the components list that was fetched from the entity handle
        private class ComponentContainer // Property trees can't draw lists directly, only normal types, so we need to store the list in a normal type
            [ShowInInspector, BlueprintComponentWrapper]
            public List<object> Components;

    Hope that helps.

    Edit: I should note that that's just one approach, and is a little messy, though it should work. It's a little odd that your value just disappears - your example should actually work. I note that you're calling "entry.Update()" after setting it. Does it work better if you call "entry.Property.Update()" instead?

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