No odin inspector with SerializedScriptableObject

Issue #169 resolved
Tikkub created an issue

Hi, i created a SerializedScriptableObject like that:

    [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "TestScriptableObject", menuName = "TestScriptableObject")]
    public class TestScriptableObject : SerializedScriptableObject
        public List<int> intList;

When i create an instance of this ScriptableObject and select it in the hierarchy the inspector show a regular array for the intList. It should show the Odin list drawer.

I'm using Unity 2017.1.

Is there something i'm doing wrong ?

Comments (4)

  1. Tor Esa Vestergaard

    We've so far been unable to reproduce this - have you gone into "Windows -> Odin Inspector -> Preferences -> Editor Types" and verified that Odin drawing is enabled for your type?


  2. Tikkub reporter

    Ok i found the issue.

    I accidentaly embed the ScriptableObject class definition inside another class instead of inside the namespace. Like that:

    namespace Test
        public class TestClass
            [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "TestScriptableObject", menuName = "TestScriptableObject")]
            public class TestScriptableObject : SerializedScriptableObject
                public List<int> intList;

    I can create a TestScriptableObject but its not using Odin inspector althought it appears in the Odin Preferences Editor Types. Anyway easy fix! Thank you!

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