Scene object with OdinEditor always mark scene as dirty.

Issue #177 resolved
Vlad Lomakin created an issue

1) Scene object with OdinEditor always mark scene as dirty. 2) 1 Create emtry scene. 2 Add new gameobject 3 Add script Test

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    private Sprite sprite;

4 Add this script on object. 5 Save scene. 6 Scroll inspector of the object. 7 To see that scene is durty. 3) Pasted image at 2017_09_07 02_50 PM.png 4) 2017.1.1f1 5) 6) Windows 10

Comments (4)

  1. Tor Esa Vestergaard

    Alright, we've resolved this bug. It will make it into any hotfix releases we make for If you'd like a build with the fix included, please send me your Odin invoice id at, and I'll send you a build right away.

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