Nested [TableList] Error!

Issue #273 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I try to have nested TableLists in my editor, whenever I add an element to the second list(nested one), the editor just throws exceptions and errors.

Code :

public class APowerupDatabaseWindow : OdinEditorWindow
        public List<AClass> SomeTableData = new List<AClass>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Show the window
        /// </summary>
        [MenuItem ("Config/Active Powerup Database")]
        public static void ShowWindow()

    public class AClass
        [GUIColor(0f, 1f, 0f)]
        public bool activate;

        public List<BClass> cl = new List<BClass>();

        public void AddStuff()


        public void DoStuff()


    public class BClass
        [GUIColor(0f, 1f, 0f)]
        public bool Test1;

        public void Test2()


Comments (1)

  1. mSkull001

    This has been resolved for patch, which will be out soon. If you need the fix now you can contact us by mail with your invoice number so we can send you a new build asap.

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