Issue in the ValueDropdown documentation

Issue #312 resolved
Jérémy Guéry created an issue


I tried to use the [ValueDropdown()] attribute with a method member in parameter.

I had to change the return type of that method: IList became IList<ValueDropdownItem<int>>

Here is the code sample in the documentation:

// Member function that returns an object of type IList.
    private IList ValuesFunction()
        return new ValueDropdownList<int>
            { "The first option",   1 },
            { "The second option",  2 },
            { "The third option",   3 },

    public int MyInt;

And here is the modified code:

// Member function that returns an object of type IList.
        private IList<ValueDropdownItem<int>> ValuesFunction() {
            return new ValueDropdownList<int>
                { "The first option",   1 },
                { "The second option",  2 },
                { "The third option",   3 },

        public int MyInt;

See the attachement to view the error.

Odin Version:

Unity Version: 2017.1.0p3

OS: Windows 10


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