Lost link on prefab

Issue #344 resolved
Former user created an issue

Good afternoon. I apologize in advance if such a problem has already been described. I'm losing links to prefabs after preserving the prefab.

I have a data class

using UnityEngine;

public class Data : MonoBehaviour, IData


public interface IData


And I'm trying to keep a reference to this class in another class

using System;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using Sirenix.Serialization;

public class TestSerialize : SerializedMonoBehaviour
    [OdinSerialize] private IData _data { get; set; }


Comments (6)

  1. Bjarke Elias
    • changed status to open

    Interesting, thanks for reporting.

    This was a problem some versions ago, but it should be fixed in the version of Odin you labeled: Odin

    Sometimes the Asset Store plays tricks on you, and doesn't actually download the latest version, but instead uses the one you previously downloaded if you were not signed in in Unity. Could you verify in Tools > Odin Insoector > About and see that it is in fact you have?

  2. Tor Esa Vestergaard

    The steps needed to reproduce this aren't clear - could you please clarify how to reproduce this, step by step?

  3. Tor Esa Vestergaard

    This fails to replicate in the Odin 1.1 beta, indicating it is fixed in Odin 1.1. If you would like to confirm this, please mail me your invoice ID at tor@sirenix.net, and I will add you to the beta mailing list and send you the latest beta build.

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