Title attribute's Subtitle text does not wrap.

Issue #426 new
Michael Ryan created an issue

I'm using Odin Inspector 2.0.4 on Unity 5.6.6 with Editor Only mode enabled and running on Windows 10. I originally saw the issue on 2.0.1, but I later updated Odin to see if it had already been fixed before reporting this issue.

The subtitle text of the "Title" attribute does not wrap. Long strings will cause the horizontal scrollbar to appear on the Inspector editor window when it otherwise should not.

[Title("Screen Properties", "Screen contents are initialized when the screen is first opened and whenever the active Quest changes.")]

The above attribute will make the horizontal scrollbar appear in the inspector. The scrollbar disappears when the subtitle string is removed from the attribute.

I'd expect the subtitle text to wrap over multiple lines instead.

I'd also expect the header text to wrap, but I haven't actually tested it to see how a long string behaves.

The attached image show two inspectors. The left has no subtitle, while the right has a subtitle consisting of a long string. In both, the InfoBox below the Title shows the same text wrapping, as expected.

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