HorizontalGroup "LabelWidth" does not work on following fields.

Issue #435 new
Lazy Knight created an issue

Unity Version: 2017.2.1f1
Odin Version:

Code like below, the Width works well but LabelWidth does not work on the following fields (mhp, hp).

[HorizontalGroup(Width = 80, LabelWidth = 45, PaddingLeft = 0, PaddingRight = 0, MarginLeft = 0, MarginRight = 0)]
public bool useHP = true;
[HorizontalGroup(Width = 100, LabelWidth = 30, PaddingLeft = 0, PaddingRight = 0, MarginLeft = 0, MarginRight = 20), ShowIf("useHP")]
public int mhp = 100;
[HorizontalGroup(Width = 100, LabelWidth = 30, PaddingLeft = 0, PaddingRight = 0, MarginLeft = 0, MarginRight = 0), ShowIf("useHP")]
public int hp = 100;

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