Labels and text values are displaying incorrectly in the inspector.

Issue #491 new
Brian Drelling created an issue
  1. Labels and text values are displaying incorrectly in the inspector.

  2. I come bearing code snippets and screenshots!

Step 1: Add the following to your project.

    [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Dungeons and Wagons/Testing/Label Tester")]
    public class LabelTester : SerializedScriptableObject
        // Label is screwed up
        public DateTime CoolDate = default;

        // Value is screwed up
        public DateTime AwesomeDate = default;

        // Value is screwed up -- another example to show it's not the usage of default breaking this
        public DateTime RadicalDate = new DateTime(2019, 2, 3);

        // Label is screwed up so long as Item is null
        public interface IItem {  }
        public IItem Item = default;

Step 2: Create one.

Step 3: See it do the following:


4) Unity 2018.3.4f1 5) Odin Inspector & Serializer 2.0.14 6) Nope. 7) Windows 10 Pro

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