Menu text cut off in Sirenix Preferences window

Issue #5 resolved
Ivan created an issue

Text is cut off in the Sirenix Preferences window, similar to an existing Unity bug in the Animator Parameters window.


To reproduce, open Window -> Odin Preferences. Bug encountered in Unity v5.5.0f3.

Comments (3)

  1. Bjarke Elias

    I think something in your project is giving extra top-padding?

    I've changed it from using to EditorStyles.label instead, so this shouldn't happen anymore unless someone where to manipulate with those as well - in which case it is properly their intention - hopefully.

    If this continues to be a problem, we could potentially create custom GUIStyles from the ground up for everything, and not use any of Unity's build-in styles.

    Thank you for all your feedback :)

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