Having OdinEditorWindow open when Unity is launched causes exception

Issue #522 open
Tim Williams created an issue

Using Unity 2018.2.1f1

If you have any class inheriting from OdinEditorWindow which is open when you launch Unity, you get the following exception and stacktrace 31 times:

Recursive Serialization is not supported. You can't dereference a PPtr while loading. (Constructors of C# classes may not load objects either. See stacktrace.)
Microsoft.Win32.Win32RegistryApi:GetValue(RegistryKey, String, Object, RegistryValueOptions)
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey:GetValue(String, Object)
Sirenix.Serialization.PrefabModificationCache:CachePrefabModifications(Object, List`1) (at X:/Repositories/sirenix-development-framework/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/UnitySerializationUtility.cs:2337)
Sirenix.Serialization.UnitySerializationUtility:ApplyPrefabModifications(Object, List`1, List`1) (at X:/Repositories/sirenix-development-framework/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/UnitySerializationUtility.cs:2076)
Sirenix.Serialization.UnitySerializationUtility:DeserializeUnityObject(Object, SerializationData&, DeserializationContext, Boolean, List`1) (at X:/Repositories/sirenix-development-framework/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/UnitySerializationUtility.cs:1436)
Sirenix.Serialization.UnitySerializationUtility:DeserializeUnityObject(Object, SerializationData&, DeserializationContext) (at X:/Repositories/sirenix-development-framework/OdinSerializer/OdinSerializer/Unity Integration/UnitySerializationUtility.cs:1147)
UnityEditor.WindowLayout:LoadWindowLayout(String, Boolean)

Comments (3)

  1. Bjarke Elias
    • changed status to open

    Thanks, will give that a try tomorrow.

    But just a quick question - It's a long-shot. But have you by any chance updated your project to a later Unity version while Odin was in it? If so, try re-importing Odin, and remember to click "yes, I made a backup"

  2. Tim Williams reporter

    I actually just tried re-importing with the latest version this morning as a debugging step, still got the error after that

  3. Zoee Silcock

    This is a duplicate of issue #502 that I created a couple of months ago which hasn't gotten any attention. That issue has a complete recreation project also.

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