ChildGameObjectsOnly In Editor Window Does Not Select in Prefabs

Issue #628 new
Benjamin created an issue


When using ChildGameObjectsOnly in a prefab, it doesn’t list children in the prefab, only children in the root scene. It does correctly display an error though when a non-child object is selected from outside the prefab.

To Reproduce:

  1. Create two classes, Selector:MonoBehavior, Selectee:MonoBehavior
  2. As a property of Selector- [ChildGameObjectsOnly] public Selectee Selected;
  3. Create a Prefab
  4. At the top level of the prefab add the Selector component
  5. Nest some child objects in the prefab, and add Selectee to one
  6. Outside the prefab, on the root level create a few empty GameObjects, some nested
  7. Add Selectee to a nested gameobject
  8. In the prefab editor, on the Selector component, click the dot to browse for children
  9. Note that the Selectee in the root is visible, but the Selectee in the Prefab isn’t

Unity Version: 2019.3.0f3
Odin Version: 2.1.9
Editor Only: No
OS: Win 10 Pro

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