enum toggle buttons when selected have text hidden on button selected

Issue #671 resolved
Giuseppe Toto created an issue

1. What happened?

The enum toggle buttons when selected have text hidden on button selected . You can look the bug in screenshot

2. How can we reproduce it?t

  1. Create a new project with UNITY 2019.3.15f1 e last version of odin inspector (2.1.12)
  2. Open Tools->Odin inspector-> Attribute Overview
  3. Click on Buttons->Enum Toggle Buttons
  4. Look the issue

As workaround If I compile my code, the bug is resolved temporarily but this reappears when I close and reopen unity.

3. If screenshots would help explain or demonstrate your issue, please include these.

4. What version of Unity are you using?

UNITY 2019.3.15f1

5. What version of Odin are you using? (See "Tools > Odin Inspector > About")


6. Do you have Editor Only mode enabled?


7. What operating system are you on?

Mac Catalina

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