Abstract classes not serialized correctly on AOT Build

Issue #719 new
Felipe Eliasquevici created an issue

Unity version: 2020.1.7f1


Windows 10.

I’m using SerializationUtility.SerializeValue to save the state of an object so i can retrieve it later, it does work fine in editor, but does not work in IL2CPP builds.

Relevant bits of code:


public class SerializableEntity : MonoBehaviour
        Dictionary<string, EntityParameter> _parametersDict = new Dictionary<string, EntityParameter>();

        public virtual byte[] SerializeParameters()

            var paremters = _parametersDict.Values.ToArray();
            var serialized = SerializationUtility.SerializeValue<EntityParameter[]>(paremters, DataFormat.JSON);

            Debug.Log("Serialize " + name + " " + paremters.Length);
            foreach (var item in paremters)

            return serialized;


  public abstract class EntityParameter
    public event Action OnChanged;

    public EntityParameter()

    protected void FireOnChanged()

    private string _name;

    public string Name
      get => _name;

    private string _label = string.Empty;

    public string Label
      get => _label != string.Empty ? _label : _name;

    public abstract object Value
      get; set;

    public EntityParameter(string name, string label = null)
      _name = name;
      _label = label ?? string.Empty;


  public class BoolParameter : EntityParameter
    private bool _value;

    public override object Value
      get => _value;
        if (value.GetType() != typeof(bool)) return;
        if (value.Equals(_value)) return;
        _value = (bool)value;

    public BoolParameter(string name, bool value, string label = null) : base(name, label)
      _value = value;


public class AOTPreprocessor  : IPreprocessBuildWithReport
    public int callbackOrder => 0;

    public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
        List<System.Type> supportedTypes;
        if (AOTSupportUtilities.ScanProjectForSerializedTypes(out supportedTypes))
            AOTSupportUtilities.GenerateDLL(Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/", "GeneratedAOT", supportedTypes);
            Debug.Log("generate AOT");
            Debug.Log(Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/");

I serialized to JSON so i can see what is happening and in the editor the log is this:

Serialize TerroristEditor(Clone) 1


"$id": 0,
"$type": "0|MRChip.LevelManager.EntityParameter[], Plugins",
"$rlength": 1,
"$rcontent": [{"$id": 1,"$type": "1|MRChip.LevelManager.BoolParameter, Plugins","_name": "_isFacingRight","_label": "Is Facing Right","_value": true}]

The exact same scene, with the exact same object in the IL2CPP build, the result is this:

Serialize TerroristEditor(Clone) 1

    "$id": 0,
    "$type": "0|MRChip.LevelManager.EntityParameter[], Plugins"

The parameter ( “_isFacingRight”) is in the object, but it is not present on the serialization.

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