TabGroup causing excessive CPU/GPU usage

Issue #745 closed
Ed Benckert created an issue

What Happened?
Creating an inspector with a TabGroup causes a massive CPU/GPU spike. Even a simple inspector with a single bool inside a single element TabGroup causes this CPU spike.

How to reproduce:

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "TestGroup", menuName = "Data/Test", order = 52)]
public class TestGroup : SerializedScriptableObject
    public bool blahblah = true;

Screenshot of group with EnumButtons, minmaxslider, custom labels, buttons, ShowIf… CPU use is almost nothing:

Screenshot of the inspector/task manager of the code snippet above:

Unity Version: Unity 2019.4.4f1 Personal

Odin Version:

Editor Only Mode: Not enabled.

OS: Windows 10 Pro OS build 19041.685

Comments (2)

  1. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    Version fixed a case where any drawn TabGroup would request repaints constantly until a new tab has been selected at least once, with big impacts on performance in the editor. If you still have performance issues with it after updating to, please feel free to reopen this issue.

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