Property context menu not working properly

Issue #749 new
Ruchir raj created an issue

The main problems I’m facing is:

→The right-click menu for each property doesn’t work with the native unity right-click menu for each property, for ex, if I copy a vector3 from a custom class for which Odin is enabled, I can’t paste it into the position field of a transform which isn’t using Odin !!

→For the preset system, I can’t get the Exclude property option as shown here :

→Some other options are also missing like in the case of prefabs as shown in these pictures:

You can see one of the option is missing and this is present in some other cases too, which forces me to go and manually turn of ODIN each time I need these options and then turn it back on

This is a major concern for me and I don’t know how it went unnoticed for such a long time!

I’m using 2021.1 b2 if it’s relevant but this is present for every version as far as I know


Comments (6)

  1. Ernest Suryś

    This is part of a bigger problem where EditorGUIUtility.PropertyCallbackScope does not work as intended for Editors that use OdinEditor. Seems like OdinEditor does not use Property Scope when drawing fields.

    This is a big blocker for me as I’m creating a library that depends on it.

  2. Tor Esa Vestergaard

    Hmm, thank you for the clarification, this wasn’t something I’d heard of before. We can certainly investigate setting the proper scope before invoking such methods that might rely on it and invoking Unity style property drawers.

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