Serialization Debugger does not handle SerializeField attribute applied to backing-field of auto properties

Issue #767 new
Sergey Tiron created an issue

For auto properties like

[field: SerializeField] public int Value { get; private set; }

Serialization Debugger shows message “The auto property 'Value' is skipped by Unity because Unity does not serialize properties.“ which is not true. Unity can handle this kind of serialization with C# 7 field-targeted attributes.

Unity version: 2021.1.0b11.2079

OS: Windows 10

Comments (2)

  1. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    Technically it's true since the attribute is applied to the backing field and that's serialized and not the property, but I agree it would be nice to have another message reflecting this. I'll mark this as a serialization debugger improvement, maybe there's a better, clearer way to communicate this. 🙂

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