Cancelling folder selection throws error (using FolderPath Attribute)

Issue #802 resolved
Péter Utasi created an issue

After opening the folder selection window by clicking on the folder icon provided by the FolderPath Attribute: when selecting the Cancel option in the folder selection dialogue window or closing the dialogue window will throw an exception in the Console: InvalidOperationException: Stack empty.

To recreate the error please follow the steps in the screenshots. The error also comes up if attribute is used for fields in ScriptableObjects.

Unity version 2019.4.3f1

Odin version

OS: Windows 10

Odin settings / preferences are default.

Comments (4)

  1. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    I can’t get this to reproduce using your Odin/Unity versions. Do you have any other reproduction steps? 🙂

  2. Tor Esa Vestergaard

    After a reproducing example was posted on Discord, this has been fixed. The fix will be in 3.0.12.

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