Odin Inspector Attribute Didn't useful on Timeline TrackAsset

Issue #822 closed
Mr.L created an issue

Timeline(1.6.3) & Playable(Unity2020.3):

the same code On ClipAsset is Ok:

class TestClipAsset:PlayableAsset


‌ [LabelText(“Apple“)]

‌ public int A;


and you can see correctly show on the inspector.

but when use it on TrackAsset, it show wrong on the inspector

class TestTrackAsset:TrackAsset


‌ [LabelText(“Apple“)]

‌ public int A;


Same Issue report to timeline community, but no response, so i come here and report, but i think the issue should be fixed by timeline team.

Feedback - Cannot use Odin Inspector attribute on TrackAsset - Unity Forum

Comments (2)

  1. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    TrackAsset most likely defines its own custom drawer. Odin, by default, doesn’t draw objects that have a custom drawer defined. You can theoretically create a custom OdinEditor and mark it as the TrackAsset’s custom drawer, but this will, of course, override any custom editor code that it already has, which depending on the complexity of the TrackAsset editor means that you may have to write a lot of the code yourself.

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