The mouse cursor is not recognized in the game.

Issue #824 closed
Kevin Marcus created an issue

We are making a type of game that uses NavMeshAgent to move the player by cursor clicking. In the beginning, I used [DrawWithUnity] for things that use LayerMask, but then I added scene transitions, attached an EventTrigger to the item-chest object, attached a Physics Raycaster to the camera. the cursor stopped responding in the game.

If someone tells me that I shouldn't use Odin for this kind of cursor game, that's all I'll say, but I would like to use Odin in any genre I make.

Thank you for your patience.

Unity 2020. 1.4f1

Comments (6)

  1. Kevin Marcus reporter

    Is there a possibility that importing during the creation of a game will cause problems?

  2. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    This doesn’t seem to be an Odin issue, instead it seems that this is some issue with your code 🙂 I can’t really help you with that besides saying that you should probably check if your singleton instance survives a scene switch since that one seems to be null at some point.

    Is there a possibility that importing during the creation of a game will cause problems?

    Importing Odin during game creation should be no problem, no.

    If someone tells me that I shouldn't use Odin for this kind of cursor game, that's all I'll say, but I would like to use Odin in any genre I make.

    You can use Odin for any genre even for applications that are not games. Odin is predominantly an editor tool so the running application itself should not really be affected at all.

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