Odin property drawer hides serialized fields on IList implementation.

Issue #832 new
Ernest Suryś created an issue

What happened?
I created a class that I want to derive from and serialize in Unity:
Container<T> : IList<T>, IReadOnlyList<T> where T : Component
it has the following serialized fields:

private T itemPrefab;

protected Transform transform;

protected List<T> items = new List<T>();

The default property drawer shows all of them and I can modify the object without a problem.

When I enable Odin in inspector the property drawer now only displays a list collection. I can’t modify itemPrefab or transform fields.

How can we reproduce it?

I attached the Container script, create a new class that derives from it and inspect its property drawer.

What version of Unity are you using?


What version of Odin are you using? (See "Tools > Odin Inspector > About")

Do you have Editor Only mode enabled?


Comments (1)

  1. Frederik Taganov

    I got kind of the same problem.

    I have List<Extended Class Type> and the element the listitem actually is protected in the base class.

    This also caused the list, when elements are added, to only show with a height of like 5px and no content (except for the delete X button)

    The workaround for the issue is to make the element the list contains from the base class not protected but public.

    A fix would be of course to manage that protected stuff is handeled properly.

    Here some simplified code of my classes and stuff:

    public List<GeneratorSlot> GeneratorSlots;
    public class GeneratorSlot : EquipmentSlot {
      private GeneratorSlot() : base("Generators") { }
    public class EquipmentSlot {
      [ValueDropdown("GetEquipmentByType", ExcludeExistingValuesInList = false)]
      [LabelText("Equipment Slot")]
      protected EquipmentData EquipmentData; // This should be public to make the list display properly

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