Spam of "Tried to change non-editable property"

Issue #839 new
Saishy Kitty created an issue

This is my object before the game starts:

After the game starts it looks like this:

And this is logged at every Inspector redraw while the object in question is selected, quickly spamming the console log:

The code is:

    public TinySeedRandom SeedRandom { get; protected set; }

    protected ulong CurrentRandomSeed { get {
            if (SeedRandom == null) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return SeedRandom.Seed;
        } }

    [ShowInInspector, InlineButton("DebugSetSeed", "Set Seed")]
    protected ulong _randomSeed;

    protected void DebugSetSeed() {
        SeedRandom = new TinySeedRandom();

And if you delete the line “[ShowInInspector, InlineButton("DebugSetSeed", "Set Seed")]”
it fixes the issue, but leaves me without the debug button.

I’m using Unity 2020.3.27f1 Personal
Windows 10 Pro 19043.1526
I think I have Editor Only Mode?? I’m not using the ingame serializer if that is the question? I don’t know how to check.

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