Unity Serialized Dictionary won't serialize with String, List type of dictionary

Issue #845 new
Sandro.G created an issue

Hello, I’m not sure if this is even supported but wanted to report in case this is a bug.

Issue is simple, when I have dictionary with String Key, and List of classes as value it won’t save dictionary values. After code recompile or opening/closing editor all values are lost.

Here is example setup.

public class SampleDataHolder
    public string Data;

public class SampleDataHolderDictionary : UnitySerializedDictionary<string, List<SampleDataHolder>> { }

public class DataItems : ScriptableObject 
  public SampleDataHolderDictionary Data = new SampleDataHolderDictionary();

So in this case Data dictionary in DataItems won’t save your values.

I have a simple workaround where I can create wrapper class for List, like

public class SampleDataHolder
    public string Data;

public class SampleDataHolderList
    public List<SampleDataHolder> DataItems = new List<SampleDataHolder>();

public class SampleDataHolderDictionary : UnitySerializedDictionary<string, SampleDataHolderList> { }

public class DataItems : ScriptableObject 
  public SampleDataHolderDictionary Data = new SampleDataHolderDictionary();

Unity 2020.3.25f1, Windows 10, Editor only is not enabled, Odin (I’ll try upgrading to see if it is fixed, didn’t realize so many versions released :D)

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