ArgumentNullException when generating AOT config

Issue #847 new
Richard Lucas created an issue

1. What happened?

An ArgumentNullException occurs when generating the AOT config either during a build or by calling ScanProject. Curiously, we don’t seem to be able to reproduce it by clicking on the Scan button from the UI.

ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: target
Sirenix.Serialization.AOTGenerationConfig.ScanProject () (at Y:/Repositories/sirenix-development-framework/Sirenix Solution/Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor/Config/AOTGenerationConfig.cs:243)

2. How can we reproduce it?

Unfortunately, we’re not in a position to share our project.

3. If screenshots would help explain or demonstrate your issue, please include these.

4. What version of Unity are you using?


5. What version of Odin are you using? (See "Tools > Odin Inspector > About")

6. Do you have Editor Only mode enabled?


7. What operating system are you on?

Windows 10

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