Odin upgrade not removing assets

Issue #849 new
Dan Vicarel created an issue

The Odin docs state:

In order to update Odin, simply go through the same [install] process and Odin will take care of any necessary upgrade steps by itself after the new version is imported.

Unfortunately, it looks like Odin really isn’t taking care of the necessary steps... Often when I update Odin, and compare the assets after the update to the assets added to a new project, my updated project contains now-unnecessary files. For example, I just updated to Odin When I install this version from the “editor only distribution” in a new project, I do not see any link.xml file or NoEditor folder under Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Assemblies, but I do see these files/folders in an existing project that I update with the same distribution. This caused my builds to fail because the linker was trying to link the assembly Sirenix.Serialization.Config (due to link.xml) and failing because the assembly’s .meta file had it marked as only included in the Editor. Cryptic build errors like this appear almost every time I upgrade Odin and it is very frustrating. It would be great if the Odin upgrade process could remove unnecessary files.

Again, this error occurred with Odin I am using Unity 2021.3.2f1 on Windows 11 Pro.

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