Auto-generated authoring components' fields are not drawn with custom drawers.

Issue #868 new
kuba holík created an issue

With Unity DOTS, when authoring monobehaviour is auto-generated it gets attribute System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGenerated as seen below.

public class OngoingActionCAuthoring : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour, Unity.Entities.IConvertGameObjectToEntity
    [Unity.Entities.RegisterBinding(typeof(OngoingAction_C), "Name")]
    public Unity.Collections.FixedString128Bytes Name;

    public void Convert(Unity.Entities.Entity __entity, Unity.Entities.EntityManager __dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem __conversionSystem)
        GoLCore.DecisionMaking.OngoingAction_C component = default(GoLCore.DecisionMaking.OngoingAction_C);
        component.Name = Name;
        __dstManager.AddComponentData(__entity, component);

If a custom drawer is defined for a type used in auto-generated monobehaviour as such:

public class FixedString128Drawer : OdinValueDrawer<FixedString128Bytes>
    private string display;
    private object key = new object();

    protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(GUIContent label)
        display = this.ValueEntry.SmartValue.ToString();


        display = SirenixEditorFields.TextField(label, display);

        if(FixedString128Bytes.UTF8MaxLengthInBytes > display.Length)
            this.ValueEntry.SmartValue = new FixedString128Bytes(display);


it is ignored on the generated component and default drawer is applied.

If howerer the [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGenerated] attribute is removed, correct drawer is applied.

Expected behaviour is that custom drawers are used on auto-generated monobehaviours as well.

Unity version: 2021.3.6f1

Entities package: 0.51.0-preview.32

Editor Only Mode is disabled.

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