[Proposal] Idea for better help boxes

Issue #880 new
Harshdeep Singh created an issue


Tool tips are bad UX! Not only do users have to hover over the label, there is no obvious signal (indicator) that you can learn more about a property from its tool-tip.

We can improve this using help-boxes. However, help boxes consume a fixed size relative to their content length. This is a problem since help boxes always visible, which is desirable in the case of errors, but not in the case of passive information like you’d put in a tool-tip.

We can solve this using odin’s feature-set by creating dynamic help-boxes and messages using value resolvers. However, that is a lot of work. It is also a more general solution.

It is a common idea that you can improve a solution by increasing its specificity.


I noticed Photon Fusion uses these very nice help boxes that you can enable/disable with a button.

  1. Help indicator is obvious.
  2. No extra space occupied when disabled.
  3. Allows multiple help tips to be visible at once (cross-referencing tips).

On top of that, it looks great.

If we can have a simple attribute with a similar functionality, it should be a good addition to Sirenix’s inspector attribute toolbox. Say, ToggleTipAttribute.

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