onvalueChanged Attribuite trigger time is error when i use onvalueDropdown at list

Issue #885 resolved
muyou created an issue

i used OnvalueDropdown Attribuite at a list. when i click then add button, it will trigger OnValueChange func.

but when select something and click yes. it not trigger OnValueChange Func

Comments (2)

  1. 张奕铭
    public class EditorHelper_XXX : OdinEditor
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            XXX x = (target as XXX);

  2. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    Hey muyou, if I understand you correctly your issue is that OnValueChanged does not get triggered when you change the value of elements inside the list. That is intended behaviour, if you want to get notified for that changes as well, you'll have to set the IncludeChildren parameter of the OnValueChanged attribute to true.

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