RPG-Demo does not work properly

Issue #941 resolved
Vlad Moldovanov created an issue

The essence of the error is that in the OdinMenuTree area, the mouse does not select any element except the first-level elements (excluding the children of the first element) (see the screenshot in the attachment). At the same time moving to other elements is possible using the UpArrow/DownArrow keys.

To check this, I created a new empty URP 3D project and added Odin Inspector to it. I did not add any other packages. I didn't even touch the scene. Immediately went to Tools/Odin/Demos and ran the RPG Editor.

I tested this problem on Unity 2022.2.21f1 and Unity 2022.3.1f1 (LTS) with the Odin Inspector, and in both variants I had the same situation with unselectable items.


This question seems to be related to this code:

        // Add drag handles to items, so they can be easily dragged into the inventory if characters etc...
        tree.EnumerateTree().Where(x => x.Value as Item).ForEach(AddDragHandles);

Because in my code, if I comment the same code - mouse selection starts working. However, in this case, dragging and dropping elements stops working.

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