- changed status to open
OdinSelector<T> search issue
When selector contains Values with other Values inside of them (so, not empty folders), and you find those folder-values with search - it displays contents of the “folder”. And if those children satisfy search term - it will also display them separately below.
Main issue is that element inside folder are often can’t be clicked. Another is that child element may not satisfy search term, but still be displayed.
Here I’m trying to click elements, but it does not work for some of them:
For now, workaround I’ve found is to NOT display duplicate items - then selection works fine. Did it like this:
HashSet<OdinMenuItem> addedItems = new HashSet<OdinMenuItem>();
selector.SelectionTree.Config.SearchFunction = _item =>
if (selector.SelectionTree.FlatMenuTree.Count == 0)
if (addedItems.Contains(_item))
return false;
var term = selector.SelectionTree.Config.SearchTerm;
if (!FuzzySearch.Contains(term, _item.SearchString))
return false;
foreach (OdinMenuItem child in _item.GetChildMenuItemsRecursive(true))
return true;
Desired solution
I expect child element to be not drawn for found element unless they satisfy search results
Comments (3)
Thank you for letting us know. This issue has been addressed in version
- changed status to resolved
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