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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-2971

Certain of some Chinese text's diff view led to UI crash




      Details are as follows: I have my normal TortoiseHg to manage the Chinese text of several months, until properly used. Yesterday I found in one commit TortoiseHg stop working, after inspection I found that the day before yesterday and yesterday I added some text, leading to the text's diff view error crash when commit or in Workbench, thus causing this commit faild.I modified one of the other independent documents, and then commit these two files together , is that this unrelated file's diff view appeared first, I successfully submitted. But in the process, when I try to click that file of led to diff view crash, it will immediately crash again, after I submit this in WorkBench inside view, click on the files in question show that the diff view , WorkBench also crashed. View presented earlier times, which see the diff view this file can lead to crash WorkBench. But I said earlier, the method has been successfully submitted, future changes will not lead to crash UI, but if it is submitted several times to see that diff, it will then crash again.
      But the strange thing is, I put that lead to a separate file copy problems out in another goal to create a test repository which test, modify, commit, it will not cause a crash. I began to crash after a few of those submitted by the new Chinese text on the inside attachments, please take a look. If necessary, I can put the entire local repository distributed developers to find errors.




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