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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-11701

Widen suggested results dropdown field when searching for a repository(BB-14093)



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      The "Find a repository..." input field is too small and does not take into consideration long repository names where the first handful of characters are the same. See attached image.

      For example, companies (like mine) begin all our repositories with the same owner "accedo/" and then my team has a convention of beginning repository names with "tvc-display". These same characters completely fill the input field and the search tool returns three matches but I cannot effectively choose the right one because I cannot see any more characters.

      Sometimes I have had success with wildcards, but not always, like I cannot enter *xyz to locate the repositories that end with the characters "xyz". I end up in the wrong repository and am forced to redo my search, typing blindly because I cannot see what I am typing beyond the input field.

      At the very least, expand the width of the search field – you have plenty of space in the header. For an even better solution, support wildcards at the beginning, middle, and end of the search term and do not require the owner prefix ("accedo/" in my example).




            Unassigned Unassigned
            271b1ea6aeca KenACollins
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