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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-12350

Allow initial commit to be via the web interface



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      A user should be able to add a file to an empty repository via the online editor, without first needing to initialize the repository on the command line.

      The motivation for this feature request is based on experience in requiring my students to submit all of their code to a Bitbucket repository for grading (for the past three semesters).

      Most of the students have never used the command line or SCM. The class usually starts out with a month-long introduction to programming.

      The first thing they do is set up a Bitbucket account. Then, for the first few assignments, I have them submit their HW using the web interface (I have tried having them submit using the command line or a GUI, but this leads to too much confusion).

      Ideally, this would be the workflow:

      • Create a Bitbucket account.
      • Create a repository using the web interface.
      • Submit first 3-4 HWs using the web interface.
      • Teach them how to use the command line or a GUI to clone repositories locally '''later in the semester''' after they become familiar with some of the repository terminology from using the web interface.

      At present, the biggest hurdle is having them create a repository using the command line. They make typos (often they copy the $ character in the instructions and literally type mkdir /path/to/repository, even with explicit instructions not to do so), are confused by git warnings, and don't understand any of the repository creation commands. This is a terrible way to start a class - each command line command requires an explanation that they are not ready for. The GUI is even worse - they don't understand Git terminology and there are too many buttons to misclick.

      Without the ability to create a repository with the web interface, I have decided that in the future it would be easier if I did it for them myself (20 students per class typically!).




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            48bfba6aa1b4 rweigel
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