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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-14154

Repositories menu could link to "all repos" page in Dashboard?



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      There was an old request to add an ALL option to the repositories menu, but it wasn't particularly clear what the proposer was saying..

      Is there a specific reason why the Repositories menu doesn't have a link to https://bitbucket.org/dashboard/repositories ? It would make the repos menu a lot more useful for me (as a particular class of forgetful user), as a one click way to get back to a list of all my relevant repos..

      Sure, clicking the bucket icon to get to the dashboard, and then the repositories tab to get to https://bitbucket.org/dashboard/repositories is a relatively easy 2 click way of doing it, but it's not obvious that clicking the bucket in the top left takes you to your dashboard so I (as an infrequent user of BB) forget that path, and then struggle to find how to switch to a repo I haven't used recently..

      I'm not taking exception to the number of clicks to get to https://bitbucket.org/dashboard/repositories - just to the fact that it's easy to forget where it is when it's "hidden" (due to it not being obvious that clicking the bitbucket logo goes to the dash).
      The repos menu is right there and looks like an easy way to switch repo, but it (for me) is crying out for a link to all the repos, as would any "here's a list of X recently Y'd items" (and here's a link to all of them as the X+1 element) facility ina piece of software




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