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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-15998

The pull request view's usability sucks




      The pull request view in Bitbucket really sucks. Would it be possible to make it more useable please?

      Here are my specific complaints but a general redesign wouldn't go a miss:

      • It is hard to navigate between the files, would it be possible to have the file list shown as a tree view on the left? The lack of ease of navigating between files makes it necessary to compress the files by missing chunks out. This makes it hard to see the context of a change. Though there is the three dot button to show more I'm often finding I have to press this multiple time to see the code I want.
      • It generates emails as soon as I've added a comment. I'd rather it waited until I've finished my review and then sent a single email about all the comments I have made. All of Atlassian's products are designed to be spam engines so this problem isn't really surprising.
      • It gives a side by side diff view, however it is not possible to add comments from this view. Which makes it a bit useless.
      • No syntax highlighting (I'm using C# but I would expect most major languages to have syntax highlighting).
      • Some of my colleagues insist on using very long lines in their code (300 characters at the extreme). I'd like to stop them but sadly I can't. However this means that the pull request view has the whole scroll bars within scroll bars issue (you can't scroll across without first scrolling down to find the horizontal scroll bar). Not quite sure what could be done about this, but having some way to only have one file on a page at a time would help with this.




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