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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-1790

Files invisible in web UI when folder contains international character (BB-802)




      I populated a repository with files from my Windows 7 partition. These contained danish (aka international) characters. Mercurial turned out to be unfriendly in the way it obtains file names and thus checks in junk names.

      In the bitbucket source browser I noticed that one folder (imported from a folder with the Å character in it) was empty, even though it actually contained several files locally. After renaming the folder to not contain the character the files inside became visible.

      Note that Å is a particularly troublesome character because it has two UTF-8 encodings (e.g. A-WITH-RING and RINGED-A), both representing the same character. These are known as NFC and NFD encodings. Because my files originated on a Mac, which converts everything it saves to disk to NFD encoding, their current encoding is NFD (Windows uses the encoding it's given, which avoids a ton of problems, but I digress).

      On another note, I had serious problems getting the push to work at all. Anything above 30-50MB is lucky to get through, returning either 502 Bad Gateway or 500 Server Error. It took 14 (!!!) pushes to finally send all the repository data across the wire. Is this a bitbucket or Mercurial problem?




            6995b9ed1710 evzijst
            9bac09662f27 mnmr
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