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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-3428

provide temporary access to a private repo, to allow peer-review process



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      I am in the process of submitting a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal. My problem is that I want to provide the reviewers a way to access a private repository on bitbucket, without making the repository public before publication and without knowing their identity.

      All the scripts and datasets used in the analysis described in the paper are available as a hg repository on mercurial. Since it contains datasets that must remain private until the manuscript is accepted, the repository is private and its access is restricted. I plan to set the repository as public after publication; but if I cannot do it now, as I need to prove that the data submitted is novel.

      The problem is that if I keep the repository private, the reviewers will not be able to check it. I can not grant them access to a private repo, because I can now know their names.

      So, I am asking if there is an official way to provide a temporary access link to a private repo. I can create a new bitbucket account, provide it access to the repository, and provide the access information to the reviewers... but I am not sure if that would break your Terms of Usage.




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