Uploaded image for project: 'Bitbucket Cloud'
  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-4274

Reuploading file does not update the file (BB-4773)




      === Synopsis ===

      When you have an existent uploaded file which has already been downloaded at least once and you upload it again with updated content, the file itself does not get updated.

      The file metadata which is included in the downloads page is updated (for example, the new file size is shown). But downloading the file results in the previous file being served from the cloudfront CDN.

      === Additional information ===

      We have confirmed this behaviour on various pc's, and we have ruled out local caching by uploading and downloading the file from different computers.

      We noticed you are using amazon cloudfront to host the actual files uploaded to the project. All the machines we tested on are located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. I don't know if this has anything to do with cdn replication of the original file.

      === Steps to reproduce ===

      Create a text file containing a line "First"

      Upload the text file to a public repository by going to the downloads page of the repository (for example, https://bitbucket.org/braintag/carbonlibrestapis/downloads)

      Download the file by clicking on the file name on the page

      Edit the original text file and add a line "Second"

      Upload the text file again to the same repository

      Download the file by clicking on the file name on the page again. You will obtain the original file without the "Second" line.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            9c9342e03cf9 aarana
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