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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-9

Inconsistency in the menu


      When I hover "Repositories" it the top menu, I see the "create new" link. However, the Repositories page does not contain any information about my own repositories.

      My gut feeling when I saw the "create new" link, was that I could go to the Repositories page to create a new repository (which I did, since there seems to be some bug that makes the "create new" link disappear too soon).

      So, to avoid confusion and keep the menu and page structure consistent, it might be a good idea to either 1) remove "create new" from the dropdown menu or 2) expand the repositories page to also include information on the users repositories and how to create a new one.

            18103154f924 jespern
            22aeb040079b vetler
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