Custom Subject not used after update to 3.2.1

Issue #14 closed
ChristianA created an issue

After the update to version 3.2.1 of the notifier something major has changed.

The custom subjects are not used anymore.

Please, can you help me with this?

Comments (5)

  1. Chris Pickett

    I'm having this same issue. It appears that all 'override' fields for emails are now ignored. A fix would be much appreciated.

    edit: it looks like commit b0b72ea (merged as pull request #4) changed these field strings and added an "s" to Override. So, mailOverrideFrom became mailOverridesFrom which does not work. The .soy file is still checking against "mailOverrideFrom" and not "mailOverridesFrom".

  2. Marc Vanbrabant repo owner


    Thanks for the PR, I will try and look at it as soon as possible. I've had other things on my mind recently, apologies.


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