Tag Creation causes email trigger for Branch deletion

Issue #23 open
Ed Meagher created an issue

Whenever we tag a commit, we get an email with the subject:

[2a4952c..0000000@2a4952c97eea14b151af6d4955582c319fbabe4b] Branch deleted

and the body:

Branch DELETED by XXX XXXXX - someperson@somecompany.com

(The body does contain a real email and name).

This seems like a bug but I might not be understanding how BitBucket/Git works.

Comments (7)

  1. Marc Vanbrabant repo owner

    Hi @ed_meagher

    could you describe which git commands you execute to create your tag and push them?

    changeset ending on 0000000 marks that this changeset is "deleted". Are you in detached head of some sorts?

    Following commands mails just fine: * git tag some_tag * git push --tags

  2. Dakota Hawkins

    I am actually having exactly the opposite problem. Tag deletion causes email trigger for branch creation!

    Following the e-mail subject template on your master branch, I switched the $isDeletedBranch check to be before the $isNewBranch check to make sure both aren't true. It appears that $smtpNotificationRenderer.isDeletedBranch( $refChange ) just doesn't work properly for tags.

    I was creating and deleting tags (to test my changes to the subject template) by creating and deleting them directly from Bitbucket Server's commit details page.

    Similarly, I created and deleted a branch, and those were correct.

  3. John Chittum Account Deactivated

    Having a related issue--when using the Tag Maker plugin to create a tag, an email is sent stating "Tag DELETED"

    The Tag Maker maintainers said their code returns the proper dialogue

    The Tag Maker : 1.3.4

    Push email notifier: 3.2.2

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