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pymoult / Examples

Pymoult examples

We provide several basic examples with pymoult.

The product example

This example is a small program combining multiple DSU mechanisms through 2 updates.

It is mainly constituted of two threads and two classes and reproduces a small stock site management server. Through 2 updates, we want this server to handle rating of products.

Notice that some concurrency matters during the first update are not handled for simplification purpose.

To start this test, launch the bash script in this folder.

The stack examples

These examples show how to simply use the high level functions handling the stack.

Among them are //safe replacement//, and //thread reboot//. The Pymoult implementation of the Recaml example can be found here.

The heap examples

These examples show how to simply use lazy and eager object conversion with Pymoult.

The Pymoult implementation of the DynamicML example can be found here.
