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pymoult / Virtual Machine

##Get running

You can download the VM file here. Then, launch it using your favorite VM manager.

Attention! The keymap is french, if you want to change it, use setxkbmap. If you want to change it permanently, edit (as root) /etc/defaults/keyboard and change

XKBLAYOUT="fr" to XKBLAYOUT="??" (replace ?? by the keycode of your keymap: us,uk,de,...)

For macs, this seems to work to bind the alt (compose for linux) to the right alt (ie right-alt ) to get a ]: XKBMODEL="apple" XKBLAYOUT="fr" XKBVARIANT="mac" XKBOPTIONS="compose:ralt"

Then, reboot the VM.


The default account is user with password user.

The root password is pymoult

###Launch Pymoult

You can go to ~/pymoult/examples/ to see examples, test cases and tutorial exercices.

If you are new with Pymoult, we suggest that you read the user documentation and follow the Pymoult tutorial.

To launch your own applications, use the python-dsu3 interpreter, based on CPython3.4. You can import Pymoult from here.


The Pymoult repository is in ~/pymoult and the sources of python-dsu are in ~/python-dsu. Here are some instructions on how to update/reinstall these pieces of software.


The interpreter files are installed in ~/bin which places the python-dsu3 binary in ~/bin/bin. The PATH variable is set so that all binaries there are found by the shell.

To recompile the interpreter at the same location, go to the source folder (~/python-dsu) and run:

./configure --prefix=/home/user/bin
make install

You can add your own parameters as well. ###Pymoult

Pymoult files are installed in ~/bin/lib/python3.2-dsu/site-packages. The PYTHONPATH variable points to that directory so that importing Pymoult files remains straightforward.

To get the latest developpement version of Pymoult, go to the source folder (~/pymoult) and run:

hg pull -u

To reinstall Pymoult (needed after every update of Pymoult), run:


(this is an alias set in ~/.bashrc to a command that installs Python libraries in the proper folder)
