Private/final methods make it difficult to use the library

Issue #326 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm struggling to use SnakeYAML as a base for an IntellijIDEA plugin and sometimes I need to use the code in a most peculiar ways.

Could it be possible for you to relax some of the modifiers to make integration easier for me?

Comments (8)

  1. Andrey Somov

    I did not quite catch what exactly you expect the change. Feel free to submit a patch or a pull request.

    P.S. If the changes to Token are backwards compatible we can add them to the core. Please create a separate issue/request.

  2. Andrey Somov

    We have a release this month. If you quickly provide the patch it will be released this month.

  3. Andrey Somov

    The code is taken and the SNAPSHOT is already uploaded. Can we close the issue ?

    P.S. Just for your information. Branches for Mercurial and Git are not the same. If you just wish to use a branch for a feature you can use bookmarks in Mercurial. Then it disappears after the merge. Or just use default branch.

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