Serializing Calendar objects with certain timezone offsets renders invalid yaml

Issue #364 resolved
Oscar Scholten created an issue


Serializing Calendar objects with certain timezone offsets renders invalid YAML. The below unit test showcases the problem:

public void testTimestampNegativeTimezoneOffset() {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-1:15"));
    cal.set(2008, 8, 23, 14, 35, 4);
    Map<String, Calendar> map = new HashMap<String, Calendar>();
    map.put("canonical", cal);
    String output = dump(map);
    assertEquals("{canonical: !!timestamp '2008-09-23T14:35:04-01:15'}\n", output);

Using SnakeYaml 1.18, the output is:

{canonical: !!timestamp '2008-09-23T14:35:04-1:0-15'}

Which is not valid YAML and thus SnakeYaml cannot read it's own output.

I'll send a pull request with a fix shortly.

Cheers, Oscar

Comments (2)

  1. Oscar Scholten reporter

    Several other offsets that are rendered incorrectly are "GMT+00:30" and "GMT+00:00", output is "2008-09-23T14:35:040:30" and "2008-09-23T14:35:040:00" respectively.

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