Relax final restriction on TypeDescription

Issue #368 resolved
Former user created an issue

While trying to create derived TypeDescriptionFactory to support factory-based creation of objects, I ran into restriction of 'final' on TypeDescription. Not sure there's a real purpose to that restriction, and it certainly limits the ways in which custom Constructor classes can interact with the library.

Submitting patch removing 'final'.

Comments (4)

  1. Carl Nygard

    Have a branch. How do I push a PR? Seems like I don't have permission, but it could be a SourceTree/Hg thing I'm not aware of.

  2. Andrey Somov
    1. In distributed version controls systems (Mercurial, GIT) you do not need any permission to push.
    2. You create your own repository and give us a link (pull request - your request others to pull your change)
    3. We can review the change and pull it to our repository
    4. Please do not use branches in Mercurial !! Mercurial has bookmarks for temp. branches.
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