Inesparated behavior when dump a java object to yaml

Issue #400 invalid
Marcelo Fabricio de Mello created an issue

Hi guys,

When i dump a Java bean that contais a property and its value is for example : 2-6 The yaml snake, don't convert to String the value, I wait '2-6', but return 2-6 Parts of my returned yaml:

    month: '*'
      hour: '*'
      minute: '*/10'
      seconds: '0'
      day: 2-6
    year: '*'

Notice the weeday/day value. If its a correct behavior I would like to know in the documentation a reference.

Tks, for the attention. Marcelo Fabricio de Mello

Comments (2)

  1. Marcelo Fabricio de Mello reporter

    Andrey, tks for quickly answare! But the literal scalar behavior means the key will be represented without quotes, rigth? The problem doesn't with key representation, is with value representation. Note in yaml exemplified above the only value without quote is 2-6 value at day key. I don't understand why that value doesn't put quotes in representation, and all other work fine. If you can help I will be very thankfull.

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